Disclaimer: This post contains affiliate links. To learn more about ’em, click here. We’ve gathered THE best apps for couples on this list, however we HAVE to start out with our ultimate favorite DATE NIGHT APP (because date night is super important for couples!) It’s called Dollar Dates! And as the name suggests… it’s only $1! Does the idea of a fully planned date night getting sent straight to your inbox excite you? No planning, no printing, and all the ideas are fun, fresh, and unique. AND you can open the date directly from your phone, making the convenience UNMATCHED. If you want to ensure your date nights are on the best track month after month, check out DOLLAR DATES and sign up for only $1! There are even bonus HOLI-DATES to enjoy throughout the year too! OKAY. Now on to the best apps for couples list! In order to help you find what you really need, we have separated the apps into 6 categories.

The Best Finance Apps for Couples The Best Apps for Couples Games The Best Apps for Communication and Connection for Couples The Best Scheduling Apps for Couples The Best Intimacy Apps for Couples The Best Family Planning Apps for Couples

Let’s jump right in! Make sure you’ve backed up your pictures, cleared them off, and have a good connection, you’re going to want to space and time to start downloading while you read these brilliant suggestions!

The Best Finance Apps for Couples

We know that finances are one of the major causes of contention in a marriage. With hope to help assuage the anger, we present you with the finance apps every couple needs to try out. Read through the descriptions and choose which one will work best for you!

Mint – Consistently considered one of the best finance apps, Mint is here to stay. Link bank accounts, loans, investments – this will give you the BIG picture. Mvelopes – Yep. It’s an envelope system but for the 21st century. And yes, it links to your bank so you have a real-time idea of where your money is going. YNAB – You Need A Budget. Don’t we all? This is a great app for debt pay-down and goal tracking that will keep your spending in check. Pocket Expense – Get help tracking all your personal finances – the bill splitting feature is a nice bonus! Pocket Guard – Security is their #1. Link to your accounts and learn how to lower your bills all within the app. GoodBudget – This app believes in sharing your budget with the one you love! Stay connected and work together towards those financial goals. Every Dollar – Dave Ramsey fans? Attention! This is the official DR app and follows his debt snowball method. Honeydue – This financial sharing app for couples allows you to each see what is going on with the bank accounts. Send positive encouragement and set budgets, all in the app.

The Best Apps Games For Couples

Not everything is all business. We strongly suggest taking some time to relax with your love and we have a few ideas how to do so.  Download a few of these apps and have fun! Some of them are perfect for long distance others need to be played together.

Trivia Crack – You’re going to get hooked. If fun little trivia excites you, start spinning this wheel with your significant other! Ticket To Ride – This is one of the BEST board games because it can be played with only 2 people – now you can take it with you via an app! Battleship – The classic childhood game is now a favorite couple’s game app. Challenge each other throughout the day. Love Quiz  – It’s like the newlywed game but on your phone! Great game while you’re waiting for food, driving, or just need something new. Psych – Remember that game, Balderdash? This is really similar where you basically try to lie the best – but the real answer comes out in the end. Heads Up – Made popular by Ellen Degeneres, Heads Up was an instant hit. This is a really fun game for a group. Party Doodles – One device and multiple drawers. This is a great app for an at-home date night. Carcassone – If you love the board game this is a great alternative for on the go. Dance Party – Any DDR fans out there? The device version found with Dance Party keeps those fun times rollin’. Who Can’t Draw – Play this drawing game with individual devices, but in a party setting.

The Best Apps for Communication and Connection for Couples

This is our biggest category because it’s one of our BIGGEST focuses here at The Dating Divas. You will find apps that encourage communication in many different ways. Some also just lead to a deeper connection between couples.

Just Between Us– A fun & flirty chat app where your spouse is the ONLY person that can see your messages. It’s secure and has features like thumbkisses too! Between – We had a lot of you recommend this is a great app for special texts and a place to store memories that is just between you and your love. Gottman Card Decks – This was another top recommendation. Everyone loves the Gottman Institutes conversation starters and ways to really deepen the connection. Also, it just looks cute – is that a reason to download? Find My Friends – This comes standard on a lot of phones, but it is a great way to keep in touch with your spouse. We love being able to quickly check where the other is on their commute home because I need a warning to start dinner! Lasting – Did you know that counseling apps existed? Lasting bills itself as a couple’s counseling app that personalizes your relationship roadmap based on you and your spouse’s feedback. Whatsapp – A very popular app that allows for “texting” without actually using your text service. If you and your spouse are in a long distance relationship that involves crossing an ocean, or even if one of you just travels out-of-country, this is a great option. Couple Diary – You and your partner get one question every day and you each answer it to build up your very own Couple’s Diary! Love Nudge – This app replaced the 5 Love Languages as the official app for the program. It is made to help you put the principals of that eye-opening quiz into practice. Keep the Glow – This app is all about helping you and your spouse express what you need to feel loved and satisfied in your relationship. Voxer – A walkie-talkie for your phone! Get alerts when someone is talking, but listen on your own time. You can set up your own private conversation and chat back and forth. Kik – A phone number-less messaging service used to connect easily with friends and loved ones. Life 360 – This app has crash detection, weekly safety reports, AND driver care support. That’s amazing. {Especially if you have teens…} But it also has a messaging section and location finder. Everflect – A relationship inventory that will help you and your spouse understand each others’ goals and get on the same page. Marco Polo – We LOVE Marco Polo! Being able to see the face you love is so important in any relationship, but especially when you are working a Long-Distance relationship. It also allows you to watch, pause, fast forward, rewind, anything you need to make it easy to hear and share together. Tango – A free messaging application that also has video calls! Viber – Free international calls is one of the big selling points of this messaging and phone call app. Skype – The classic video messaging app also allows for conversation/text like messaging. Icebreakers – Another couple’s therapy app that allows each partner to check in about how they feel during the week. The goal: make your relationship HAPPY! It uses fun “icebreaker” questions to help achieve this. You and Me Forever – Couple scripture study app and audio book. Each partner can record what they liked about the book study and share it with the other. Happy Couple – Quiz each other with provided questions and then compare answers a la the Newlywed Game. Anatomy of Marriage- The app for couple counseling that’s not boring and actually really fun! Watch short, interactive videos and answer quizzes that reinforce healthy marriage relationship concepts such as communication, in-laws, sex & intimacy, a Marriage Meeting planner, & much more! KOYA – This adorable app allows you to “show you’re thinking of them from afar.” It’s perfect for ALL couples, but especially long-distance ones! You can send gifts and video messages through the app super conveniently! Such cute ideas on here!

{A lot of you suggested Couple, but we left it off our list since it hasn’t been updated since 2016 and there were a lot of reports of crashes. But if you are looking for something similar a lot on the list above meet the criteria – Between may be the closest? Let us know in the comments!}

The Best Scheduling Apps for Couples

Oh, the family schedule. So many different calendar items and so little brain power to remember them all. Thankfully these are the best-shared calendar apps for couples and will keep your family running like a well-oiled machine.

Whee– This app is perfect for couples with kids! The simple family organizer app helps you sync schedules, share lists, and message each other. Cozi – The award-winning shared calendar app keeps every member of the family informed. You can add to-do lists, shopping lists, and even a recipe box! Google Calendar – There are so many different types of calendars that you can use to keep organized. We love Google calendar for sharing calendars and setting reminders. Apple calendars and Outlook can work in the same way and help streamline your year. Any.do – Another award-winning app for you! Any.do can be accessed from so many devices (Alexa, desktops via Chrome browser, Android, iOs, etc.) Whoever you share it with will be in the loop. Home Routine – Household chores are never really fun, but Home Routine helps put them in a better light. Set up those to-do lists and get those necessary evils out of the way! Cupla – This shared calendar app is designed specifically for couples. The best feature is that it analyzes each of your calendars and suggests prime times for dates and times to spend together. This is perfect for the busy couple trying to fit date night into their busy schedule! FamCal – In addition to the classic shared calendar for couples, you can also record favorite moments!

The Best Intimacy Apps for Couples

You never really think that you’d need an app for intimacy, but the time may well come. Via reader survey, we have the best apps for couples about intimacy! Theses love apps for couples will help bring play back into the bedroom and keep you both looking forward to your time alone.

Intimately Us– This is THE fun & sexy app for your marriage! It includes several bedroom games (like Battlestrip) you can play right from the app. You can discover and explore what each person likes or wants to try. Did I mention it’s also clean & nudity free? You can also create your own bedroom language & the app is completely customizable. It also has an in-depth Learn section with really helpful info on sex & intimacy. Ultimate Intimacy – The free version of this app provides a selection of their position suggestions – all with tasteful stick figures instead of human models. Win! Desire –  Send your spouse intimate dares to spice up your love life. You can set timers for how long they have to complete a dare and you each win points for however many dares you complete! Kindu – This intimacy app may be a little racy for some. Be aware that the suggestions here are not always for the weak of heart! In the Mood – Use this app to set up fun dates and intimate encounters with your one-and-only. A dating app for couples! Bliss – A bedroom game app that emphasizes romance and intimacy – not just the physical.

The Best Family Planning Apps for Couples

The natural follow-up to the intimacy apps has to be the family planning apps! :p We love that these little reminders can be at the tip of your fingers to help you make the best choices for your family. There are menstration, ovulation, and intimacy trackers. As far as the best apps for couples go, these are at the top for us!

Eve – Track periods and moods while also taking daily sex quizzes to become an expert on the subject! Clue – This is a super helpful app that allows you to track a cycle and predict ovulation – no surprises! {I’m not gonna lie… This is how I’ve gotten pregnant each time!} Ovia –  OviaHeath has 3 apps, a fertility one, pregnancy, and parenting. Glow – If you like graphs and data this a great option. Kindara – A very popular fertility charting system to help those trying to conceive. Conceivable – Based on 15 years of clinical practice, Conceivable tailors your program based on your underlying health problems. Fertility Friend – Another great tracker for cycles and fertility. Period Tracker – Gives you a visual countdown until your next cycle and allows for daily tracking. Natural Cycles – Branded as “Digital Birth Control,” this app lets you know when you are good to go without protection.

BONUS! We had one more thing we just HAD to share with you! This may not be one of the best “apps” for couples, but the Dating Divas have put together a special Text-Message service called the 10 Minute Marriage Challenge.

It’s basically the best thing to happen to your marriage since buying that heated blanket for your side of the bed… Ok. Here’s the deal. You sign up and during the week you and your spouse get love challenges texted right to your phone! {International – email}. Go read more about it and get ready to have your marriage change for the better!

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