I love it when it starts warming up and we can head outside for some fresh air and some good fun. Take advantage of the good weather with your spouse and get a little vitamin D in your system while making some seriously fun memories! The park is the perfect place to unwind and connect with your spouse… add in a few challenging tasks to bring out your competitive side, some funny tasks to make you laugh and a thoughtful task or two to bring out the romance and you have the perfect date!

Disclaimer: This post contains affiliate links. To learn more about ’em, click here. Back when my husband and I were just dating, we loved walking to the park for some quality bonding time. I remember those nights when we just sat on the swings and talked while drifting back and forth. I also remember challenging my spouse to a few silly tasks or races just to liven things up a bit. It might have been a bit childish, but it was simple, fun and allowed us to really connect!

We’ve decided to turn some of our favorite park ideas into the best park date ever!! These adorable Competition at the Park printables were designed by Messes to Memories.

As with most of our dates, start by giving your spouse the park date invitation – it’s adorable and will totally get your spouse excited about joining you for a fun date night out! Be sure to insert the first task card into the invitation by making a slit into the back of the card.

The invitation includes a special task that you and your spouse will need to get ready before the date…

The first task requires you to put together the perfect basket designed just for your spouse. Put together a basket that your spouse will love with all their favorite picnic items. This is a challenge, so try to be creative and thoughtful as you cater your basket to your spouse’s likes. Maybe add a love note to take the competition to the next level {and make your spouse feel super loved}.

Another thing you’ll want to do before you head out is fill out your prize cards! You definitely want to make sure you let your spouse know what’s on the line {you know, besides bragging rights} to motivate them to crush it. I’m pretty boring because whenever I have the option to win a prize from my spouse I almost always choose a full body massage!! My husband spoils me 🙂

Once your prizes are determined and your picnic baskets are ready to go, head to the park. It’s time to play! We have 12 task cards, but made sure to include a variety and a few twists so that the odds won’t be skewed in either spouse’s favor. In fact, we’ve made sure that this park date is customizable for any couple. When I put together a date, I love being able to have some control so that it fits us as a couple and we can still be spontaneous and fun…

We’ve included a scorecard so that you can keep track of who is winning throughout the night. Yep, that’s right! The competition is on and it’s serious! Each task is worth 15 points. On the scorecard, we’ve explained how to score each task. However, we have left a few tasks open to your own interpretation. Most points are pretty straightforward, but in a few cases, you and your spouse might have to be the judges on how to divvy up the points to determine the winner.

My husband and I are both pretty competitive, so this just keeps things interesting and discussing the points maybe makes it a little more fair?!?

While keeping score adds an element of fun and motivates you and your spouse to win, don’t forget to have a little fun!! With my spouse, it is never a question whether we will have fun… he just tends to make everything better! I love my goofy, adventurous spouse!! Grab your printables and get ready for a night of fun at the park!

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