FYI: Dandruff is Normal!	

Dandruff is Common

First off, it’s important for you to know that this itchy flaky condition is not due to poor hygiene! There is no known official cause for this condition, but there are many causes that are thought to attribute to it. Some of these causes include seborrheic dermatitis, not enough hair brushing, certain skin conditions, age, stress and dry skin. As you can see, there are so many different causes, and that’s not even all of them. We know that dandruff can be frustrating, but there’s nothing to be embarrassed about because so many people have dealt with it at some point.

How to Fight the Flakes

Now that we’ve covered the stigma, it’s time to fight the flakes! Unilever has just released a whole new hair care dedicated to scalp care called RE-fresh. How perfect? There are four different shampoo and conditioner duos in this line, along with other scalp-friendly hair care products. The shampoo works to remove visible dandruff flakes, while the conditioner smoothes and refreshes hair. All of the scents are beautiful, so it’s down to your preference, but our current fave is RE-fresh Honeysuckle & White Willow Bark Shampoo and Conditioner. This new brand (and our current anti-dandruff fave) caters to your anti-dandruff needs while avoiding leaving your hair dry or stiff, nor smelling harsh and unpleasant. If you start to see an increase in flakes as winter gets closer, don’t be so hard on yourself, because this time of the year, it’s completely normal! RE-fresh is available at Walmart.

Dandruff is Normal so Stop Being Hard On Yourself  - 18