We are in some seriously wild days. Waves of anxiety, fear, confusion, anger, sadness, loss are spreading. Uncertainty brings that to our doorstep. With mindfulness, we can let it in. We can feel all of that and more. We can ride big, big waves of thought and emotion as we remember to breathe, remember to pause, slow down, and allow ourselves a moment, maybe even to close our eyes, soften our body and focus on inhaling and exhaling. In doing so, we can allow those waves to peak, crest, mellow, even dissolve. Inhale. Exhale.Breathe. Accept. Allow. These are not the days that we would choose—a pandemic virus on the loose, schools closing, businesses shuttering—but this is the reality of right now. And so, these are the days we can turn to our practice, to our breath, to our ability to find that oasis of calm that we all carry within. Yes, calm. This is a unique gift humans have. We have the innate ability to practice mindfulness, to work co-operatively, live in community in the truest sense of the word. Even while practicing social distancing, we are living in community, taking care of each other, doing what’s best for the greater good. When we tap into our gift and stay in the moment, maybe we can even find some humor and joy in the little things: a sunny window, squirrels playing, a six-foot chat with the neighbor. Maybe we can find big things, too: compassion, kindness and love in facing our own vulnerability and interconnectedness. At this moment, we can recognize that wherever we live, we are closely connected to global family in Italy, Wuhan, and points in between. 

Nourish Your Inner Resources

In order to support your health and well-being during these difficult days, we’re offering free access to our premium daily mindfulness course: Find Calm and Nourish Resilience. This self-paced, online program features today’s leading mindfulness teachers, Dr. Judson Brewer, Rhonda Magee, Vinny Ferraro, Cara Bradley, Mindful’s Founding Editor Barry Boyce, and more, helping you support the habits that foster ease and well-being.

[email protected]

In addition, we will be starting [email protected], a series of free guided meditations from some of our favorite mindfulness teachers. As they hunker down in their homes, they will be sending peace, calm, and love to you in your home. Tune in to our Facebook page every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at 3 p.m. ET for live guided meditations from Sharon Salzberg, Bob Stahl, Mirabai Bush, Cara Bradley, Rhonda Magee, Mitch Abblett and more. We’re heartened by the outpouring of kindness we’re seeing everywhere during this turbulent time, including groups like Caremongering-Halifax, started on Facebook by Mindful associate editor Amber Tucker who’s been joined by Mindful customer service rep Jen Schwartz to help manage the group’s 9,000+ members as they ask for and offer each other help navigating these troubled waters. Wherever you are, whatever your circumstances, we hope you’ll find a way to plug into compassion, kindness, and care—and share your gift with those who need it.   With love,Anne