
Even without stress, anxiety, and more, the mind will wander. And in fact, research shows it wanders 50% of our waking moments. Mind-wandering is ubiquitous. And, contrary to popular belief, mindfulness doesn’t cause all thought to cease. Mindfulness can help you practice stabilizing and directing your mind, which comes in handy especially in moments when we may feel stressed, distracted, or overwhelmed. This focused-attention practice can help you learn to direct your full, undivided attention to a single object of focus, in this case the experience of breathing. And when (not if) your mind wanders, you simply bring your attention back to the breath.

A Simple Breath Meditation to Regain Focus When Your Mind Wanders

Even with a very short practice, you can get a sense for how this exercise is useful for cultivating a calm and focused state of mind.

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Amishi Jha October 25, 2021

Amishi Jha July 8, 2021

B Grace Bullock PhD September 30, 2021