We caught up with Chris Miles, owner of Money Ripples, and financial expert speaker for our Successful Marriages Tele-Retreat to ask him some questions about his thriving marriage.  I love his humor and am looking forward to him making money conversations just as much fun (is that possible?! – we shall find out!).

  1. What is your spouse’s name and how long have you been married? Lyndsie, and we’ve been married almost 11 years
  2. Where did you meet? We met in college in our ballroom dance class and soon became competition dance partners for a year before we started dating.
  3. What is your all-time favorite date? All-time favorite date is when I re-enacted everything on our first date (except getting lost in the mountains with an over-heating car) and then proposed at the end of it (hard to top that one since).
  4. What skill is the most important to develop to have a long-lasting relationship? Communication… at least that’s what I think. Lyndsie told me. I wasn’t listening… 😉
  5. What do you do to keep the adventure of your relationship growing? We had 5 kids in 8 years, what do you think? (just kidding). We continue to look at our lives with humor and always push ourselves to grow and become a better spouse, parent, and person in general. Did you see the details of what Chris will be covering at the Tele-Retreat!? Definitely something that we all need to address in our marriages as sometimes money can be a tricky thing to discuss.  Be sure to go “Like” Money Ripples on Facebook and get registered for THIS event so you can stay on top of all the juicy announcements! AND…. of course… make sure to click the button below to register for this event! It’s THIS WEEK!!! 

Meet The Expert  Chris Miles - 85Meet The Expert  Chris Miles - 14Meet The Expert  Chris Miles - 78Meet The Expert  Chris Miles - 66