Disclaimer: This post contains affiliate links. To learn more about ’em, click here. Take a moment to remember the days BEFORE the “I do’s.” Do you remember the butterflies in your stomach when you thought of a future with your sweetheart?  Do you remember the anticipation as you looked down at your bare ring finger hoping that soon it would be home to a shiny ring that claimed you as his? The giddiness that emerged when the words, “Will you marry me?” came to be? The day your hubby got down on one knee is the day that began your journey together as life-long companions. It was the moment that you made a commitment to love and care for one another as a partnership. What better way to rekindle all of those emotions of that time in your life, than re-creating your proposal? Tips: 

Not every proposal can be replicated exactly (ours certainly wasn’t!) but just modify the best you can. The most important thing is that you replicate the emotions of the day more than the actual activities. This date requires some coordinating between you and your partner. Make sure your partner is on board and prepared for their part!

Ideas To Consider As You Re-create Your Proposal: 

Pull out any records you have of the proposal. Do you have pictures? Journal entries? Video footage? Get those out and look through those. That will get the memories flowing and provide for some good reminiscing. We found it extra-entertaining to look back and talk about what we were really thinking or expecting that day.  Wear the same, or similar, clothes you wore on that special day. Details are what will make this date memorable! Do the same activities you did surrounding the proposal as much as possible. Again, you may have to modify it a bit, but do the best you can and get creative! We went back to the same restaurant we ate at and tried to talk about the same things we had back then.

Act the same way you did that day. How did you greet your fiance-to-be? How did you treat them? Be in the mindset as much as possible as you were that day. What were you thinking? How did you feel about your spouse then? What hopes did you have for your future together? What was it that you loved about them so much to say “yes”?

Of course, you HAVE to have the moment of the actual proposal. I am lucky enough to have a husband who is a gifted writer and recorded what he said that day word for word in his journal. For our proposal re-creation, he was able to ask the BIG question almost exactly as he had that day. This was extra special because in the excitement of it all – I am not sure that I caught everything he said at the time! Even if your spouse doesn’t recall the exact words – no worries! This is a chance to re-say the basics of what you said or even what you hoped to have said (who knew you would have a chance at a re-do?) Make a record of it. If you have a picture from that day, re-create it again. My husband and I both agreed that doing this same date years down the road would call for great “then and now” photos. 2 ½ years of being married – we don’t look all that different yet! Perhaps we will even make this an anniversary tradition and have a series of pictures like this cute Pinterest picture I saw!

After doing this date with my husband, I felt reconnected with him in an entirely different and revitalized way. More than just going back to the places we went to, it was about going back to the emotions I felt that day. Remembering my excitement for a lifetime with this person by my side renewed my commitment to do everything that I could to make him happy in our marriage. It was a great time to reflect on what I hoped our marriage to be, where it is now and made adjustments for an even better future! 

While at the restaurant we ate previous to our proposal, my fortune cookie read, “Life is a series of choices. Today yours are good ones.”  I know as I look back on the day I said, “yes,” I made a choice and it WAS a good one! Whether you have been married 5 months or 50 years – the experience of re-living this important day is sure to help you and your spouse reconnect as you return to the roots of your relationship. It is important to remember the reasons why you chose your companion and the feelings you felt as you looked forward to a bright future. As you end your evening, what better way to finish things off than watching the movie “The Proposal”? We’ve got some ideas to make the movie even more memorable. AND if you enjoyed this date – you might also like our ideas to re-create your first date.

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