The Mindful Kitchen: Pasta Aglio e Olio

Cook some spaghetti in heavily salted water until a bit firmer than al dente, then reserve about half a cup of the cooking water. In the meantime, gently sauté a few cloves of minced garlic, along with a sprinkling of chili flakes, in a generous glug of olive oil. Cook the garlic until it’s translucent but not browned. Toss in the pasta and reserved water and cook, stirring frequently, until each strand of pasta is coated in the sauce and the pasta is tender. Throw on some grated Parmigiano-Reggiano, salt, black pepper, and a drizzle of olive oil. Dress it up with a bit of parsley if you want to go all out.

Nutrition information

Pasta consists mostly of starch, but both fresh and dried varieties also contain some fiber and protein. Plus, ingredients commonly served with pasta, like olive oil, herbs, cheese, and garlic, can add a boost of nutrition, resulting in a wholesome dish.

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Mindful Staff November 12, 2019

Claire Zimmerman August 20, 2019

Claire Zimmerman June 18, 2019